p more honest, more aware, more open, hidden here behind a red veil.

the boundaries of professionalism, the silliness of that claim, and the smiles that we both give so easily to all around us. it makes it hard to pick out which means which, for me. and surely for her as well if the smiles i pick out are meant to provide their secret warmth.

it has to be slow, it can only be slow, a_kiss is only a_kiss, but getting to that kiss will take more time, if it will ever come.

i remember, december, deep and cold, vaguely_amazing, and then as we parted, as the physical distance grew, my mind quieted, but the smiles revived it.

as much as it is, much of it is me reading in to things things that could very well be, but, in my silent moments, during my monotonous chorus, seem not to be.

we'll see, and we shall see. these_are_the_days_my_friends and these_are_the_days_my_friends.

a_kiss may be just a_kiss, but a_kiss is by nature circumstantial. i dream of the circumstance, and others come forward, but always slightly inappropriate, always in the presence of others, and behaviour that moves together moves apart again. bodies overlap but cannot be embraced. hands shadow each other, a mere centimetre apart, but cannot be held. not yet, not in public.

a_kiss may very well be just a_kiss, but i'd like to taste that kiss in a darkened, snow filled silence.
The Cure (to_wish_impossible_things) 080128
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