luck is green the longest night of the year,
and i awake, paralyzed with fear
pilgrim Also the longest day of the year six months from now.
I watched the sun rise yesterday morning, noting it's position against fixed features on the Horizon wishing I had a good military surplus commpass to mark the heading.I'll transcribe it later I hope. Also I'll measure the difference between the Magnetic North and the Pole Star, with designs on laying out a calandar garden sometime soon. I just need the right piece of real estate (one with an unobstructed view of the horizon and clear night skies) not in the city.
cube It's gonna be a bitch building your next place on a moutain top
moonshine The longest night of my life.

I needed you.

Someone who knows me.
guitar_freak my_first_pagan_ritual 031006
Soma The long night will fade
I celebrate the return of the light
A sigh of relief that another dark season
Has let me live
what's it to you?
who go