raze somewhere along the line, you changed. you developed an aversion to water. after fifteen years of taking two-hour baths, i switched to showers and stopped looking like a human prune. my fingers told me it was an improvement. my shoulders were indifferent. then you developed an aversion to being slept on. i made adjustments to accommodate you, but your comrade in cartilage voiced objections of its own. no more stomach sleeping. i had to start punching my pillow in the dark, creating a trench to ease the left ear's burden now that it was forced to buttress the full weight of my head, that flesh-covered bowling ball. stenosis of the external auditory canal would explain this, but my hearing remains undiminished, except for those times when there's a sudden infusion of cerumen to contend with. and even then, it's nothing a little peanut oil won't sort out. i might spend a few days out of every year half deaf for frustrating reasons, but at least i smell pretty while i'm there. 220114
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