rt i was fascinated by your post, terror_and_understanding. you say you are on a where? 090923
zedel i don't know
i have no idea at all

re-reading that post, it sounds a lot darker than i felt at the time

i think it's part of a struggle to be honest about how things are, but not let that stop me being happy

does that resonate?
rt sure it does. i think we all share this struggle in similar capacities. we all walk a tightrope and balance is lost from time to time. yet, no matter how you define what the rope is and what it is stretched across, it is just each one of us alone on the rope. 090928
zedel I don't think we're alone on the rope... but no matter how many people are with us, no one change change the fact that we're all suspended mid air 090928
rt i totally enjoyed your post lullaby_17000_km.

please illuminate the situation and setting...
zedel I was in London, homesick, talking to mum on Skype. She made me feel better.

And now I'm spending Christmas at home with mum, and I'm kinda homesick for my life in the UK.

It's strange, I feel like I'm living a double life. Whichever one I'm in, the other seems so far away and unreal.

As usual, I guess, the answer is "both and neither"
what's it to you?
who go