argo 1 File your pet peeve here.
2 Forget about it and continue your quest for uncharted beauty.

Hate to bring it up, but! this was once attempted (unsuccessfully) by the blue bloods, and I think maybe we should give it another shot. It's the only thing I can think that can stop self-conscious complaining about complaining about complaining. (Cast your stones at me, I call head safety.)
misstree being lied to when i know damn well what happened.

i'm not so much of an idiot that i don't know when i was awake.

inconsiderate fuck.

*deep breath*
i feel better.
argo Lyrics. Especially very well-known lyrics. By rock stars. Like those shot outside the Dakota in 1980. 010304
dean-bean I hate being betrayed. Judas, Brutus. All of them right there in the middle. With friends like that, how needs advisaries, yeah? 010330
dean-bean who. Who needs advisaries. Sigh. 010330
irony-mode namae Pedants really tick me off.

And that's "adversaries", I believe.
lotuseater i want to be different like everybody else. 040423
cocoon I absolutely cannot stand people who use "netspeak". And by that I mean when they shorten everything and its just: c u ltr, r u cummin ovr tnite?

It drives me up the wall.
jinx Being woken up in a rude manner...

My roommate says I'm like a cat in that way.
flux "c u ltr" looks sort of like "culture"... 040427
what's it to you?
who go