little wonder I'm not sure why this is eating away at my stomach lining like it is.

I remember searching the room, out of curiosity, for pictures of me. There were none. Reminants of my existance, again, none. But then I looked up and it was almost a video within the photograph. I don't know who she was, but she was happy. She held out her hand, the ring finger glaring in my face. Everyone else just loved her. They were happy for the both of you. I felt like someone punched me hard, as much as you can feel that in a deep sleep.

I don't know how I was there, if I was there. The lines are blurred as they are in most dreams. I just couldn't figure out, I couldn't grasp, how you were happy with someone else. I felt like I had lost my last chance, when I didn't even have one in the first place.

I have been continuously reminding myself that it was a dream. It was all just my subconcious pulling my greatest fears from deep inside. Where I've been able to hide that I'm still hurting, for sometimes months at a time.

I've had that sick feeling I had the day you called me since I woke up.
what's it to you?
who go