Pilgrim Beautiful. I am glad You are here. How did You find Us here on the Red? I used to think of this as Blues step child. I bounce between the two with a name change or two. Keep blathering. 120914
mindpop Thank you, Pilgrim. I found this through a friend of mine that I think would be embarrassed if I mentioned his name, but he has been a friend through this difficult time.

I like this place. Thanks for your welcome. You are awesome.

Pilgrim of what Belief?
Pilgrim Pilgrim is the Red varient of tourist as in Time Tourist. 120915
Pilgrim This being a realm of disembodied annonimity, I fail to see how we would embarass your freind. Besides, we usually do a good job at that on our own. 120915
no reason you seem interesting, and i hope everything turns out okay for you. (right before i saw these posts, i was researching what causes speech problems, because a stand-up comedian i know is starting to have them... i have a feeling it might be a disease that she has, though).

also, "texas dental crisis" sounds like an awesome band name.
mindpop Thank you. Ha! 120925
no reason the way you talk about what you've been through makes me think you'd write a good memoir 121012
mindpop Good idea. Thanks! I plan on it someday. 121012
what's it to you?
who go