kerry "i'll be the brown-haired woman with the huge stack of papers."
"i'll be the short girl with strawberry blond hair and a bright red bag."

i'll be the girl gingerly stepping out of her car and nervously crossing over to the other side of the street where the rows of ancient stores are a border for the skyline
breathing in the scent of fall
green acorns fading brown
leaves crisping falling crunching
the hot dog shack the coffee beans the college kids their too-cool friends.

i'll be the girl hiding her soul in her own stack of papers
just dying to show it to you but at the same time dreading your reaction.
it scares me because what if something actually happens, what if you read it and share it, what if you LIKE it, what will i ever do if i actually get anywhere
if i see that open door your beckoning fingers drawing me towards the light
like a moth to a flame

like the way the air grows cold in the dark when you first look around and see the lighters like lightning bugs hovering over the crowd
josie The list of members lengthens exponentially, and we're sipping bowl-o-coffee at Cinque. 021012
raze i'll drink in your eyes. 130501
bellasara someone said that to me once

it didn't happen thankfully
not right away

when we finally did meet
it was to solidify the end

go figure
no reason this is the most understated, non-intimidating way to ask someone to hang out with you. but there's still the possibility they're not interested in talking to you which makes things nerve-wracking. 130501
epitome of incomprehensibility ...saying this even though neither of us like coffee - but coffee places have green tea lemonade these days, even though I'm not sure either of us like green tea lemonade... 130502
what's it to you?
who go