neoncrackle in pictures from my early childhood
i thought i had birthmarks that had faded
but looking i saw that the streaks on my legs were not
as i thought
tanlines or sunburns
not the scrapes & tangles of a childhood spent in play
but the streaks of infection
following the arteries of my legs
from the infected toenails on my feet
& it's so strange to look at that child & see
a white haired angel
standing in the surf
with the atlantic ocean doing more
for my poor little toes
than my own mother could manage

sometimes i think about the story my mom would tell
about how my nose was broken
twice before i was 5
how cute i was with my 2 bruised black eyes
like a little raccoon with curls

now though
it's harder to believe the part of the story
where she said i broke it myself

because i remember so much
rides to the beach
playing among our haitian neighbors' hanging laundry
whole meals of ketchup & saltines

even now i think
the ocean was my first real mother
what's it to you?
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