raze ever since i found a way to squeeze the sound, to make it less than what it wants to be, i press my tongue against my top left canine tooth and hold it there. it feels like a fang. a loaded weapon taking up space in a body with no taste for violence. sharp enough to bite through bone, but it won't draw blood from the moist pink tissue that calls its name.

i touch it, taste the cold nothing it gives, and it calms me. lets me know i'm still here.

my_heart_is_inside_a_dying_animal. it bulges like angry gum tissue working hard to hide a remnant of food that's made its bed between two teeth too tired to offer any comfort. the pain is such a small thing it almost isn't there. i touch the source of all i am, and the silence is louder than anything i've ever heard.

so fill it up with noise.
what's it to you?
who go