hh brought in many dangerous animals, which appeared to have stopped living. she was concerned for them. i knew they were just comatose, for some reason. then, they started to wake, and become threatening. it was difficult to get them back out. bees, scorpions, tigers, wolves.. then my dad and i went out to investigate. he driving. we ended up in suburbia, and a drunken frat boy ran out in from of the car. he was drinking milk. we hit him full bore, he flies up into the winshield, breaks screeching, falls forward, bounces down the hill. looks painful. i get out, and see him struggling. i scream at him to not try to get up, he'll just hurt himself more. must broke every bone.. exchange looks with my father where we try to express emotion, but it doesn't work. sadness, hilarity, nothing. he gets up, and starts swearing at us. throws his crystal cup of milk at us, which misses by a wide berth.
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