flux what was it again?
a haunted house. absurdly large, absurdly complex. and and, there's a whole *slew* of physical people bound into its service. building additions, fixing broken things, wiring, plumbing.. i've been taken on to repair some wiring in the basement (cavernous, labyrinthine, unlit, unmapped, unexpectedly mutable, dangerous). i ring the doorbell, oren answers. the walls meet mostly at right angles, drywall, painted very white, but there's no architectural cohesion. the house grows like a cancer, over itself, through itself, around previous rooms, windows looking into enclosed rooms or walled over, doors that open on rooms at slightly different levels.. oren tells me that (scott or billy) is already in the basement, and has been for a couple of hours. maybe i'm late. hands me a list of pac bell circuit numbers that need repair. i laugh when i hear that pac bell has been here too.
i never make it to the entrance to the basement, though i'm somewhat eager to see it. instead, i go looking for a bathroom.. other people live here, rick's marissa and andrei's old roommate kerry. things collect in here, massive amounts of space. it's not even cluttered. thousands of toothbrushes, some floors with tiles, some with carpet. remnants of an art gallery exhibit, white walls and colored lights mounted in the ceiling.
flux the house shows signs of representing both cz and mf. cancerous expansion into my psyche, and also, to an extent, into the rest of the world. both exhibit incoherent architectural tendencies. was looking at pac bell circuits installed in mf recently. forgot to mention the appearance of a hot mitt somewhere in the dream. i burned myself yesterday, through a hot mitt, by trying to take a teapot of boiling water from someone and putting my hand over the opening. steam goes right through those things.. but i managed not to burn myself in the dream. also, despite the obvious danger presented by the house, i wasn't afraid of venturing inside, or exploring in the bowels. i felt confident that i'd be able to deal with whatever i encountered. 051010
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