nr "he lived to be 92, cantankerous until his last days!" my dad said of his grandfather.

"so [being cantankerous] runs in the family, eh?" i couldn't help half-joking/not actually joking at all. he didn't hear, because he somehow only hears the things he pays attention or selects to, but others at the table shot me amused and knowing glances.
lycanthrope as bristly and flattened
as a prison toothbrush.

soft pawing my way out of hibernation
and stepping on a blanket of pinecones -
nature's legos.

dead eyed and dead set and clicking
on news stories like it's a sweepstakes.

if anyone asks me how I am,
I have half a mind to tell them.

the other half enjoys the quiet
chafing. sometimes a real
brillo pad of an interaction
widens the eyes and narrows
the worries.

it won't solve anything yelling
at the busted trash bag,
but at least it's focal.
a problem befitting of our station.

think of each annoyance
as an invitation to step away
from cosmic ennui
and be no more or less important,
as speckled with color, smell,
and pattern
as yesterday's trash on a hot sidewalk.
what's it to you?
who go