raze i caught the only grey squirrel i've ever seen on this block sniffing around in the grass. just in case something good was buried there. i opened the door and said hello. he stood on his back legs. i tossed him some nuts. he ignored them. he climbed the fence and let me take a few pictures. i named him sammy. i told him i hoped to see him again. when i went back inside to pour myself a bowl of cereal, i saw him inching closer to the house along the top rail. curious. after he left, i was visited by a harbinger of death in the form of a black witch. the satin moths in the park move with a kind of joyful grace. this erebid flailed like it was caught in a blind panic. the violence of its flight soured my stomach. it ducked behind the garage. as good as gone. a robin studied the light that bloomed through scattering clouds as morning gave way to the heart of the day, the red of her breast a balm to soothe all that was unsteady in me. 220805
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