fyn gula if they're afraid they'll be dangerous.

"saw the sparrow nest fall from the tree," dennis said, pintbrush in hand. he was re-doing his clown stage and props. fresh coats of oil-based re, green, yellow, and white. biddy's colors.

"there was one baby left," he said, stepping back to survey his work.
"petie tried to attack it, but i fucking screamed at him!"

pajaro is bird in spanish.
crOwl two fucking spelling mistakes...

cr0wl don't fall in love 081026
c r 0 w l just kidding 081027
jane dangerlove is my_middle_name 090204
unhinged sometimes i get the distinct feeling that even if i flapped my wings, they wouldn't carry me.

that the day i left there i was pushed out of the nest. that i have been wandering ever since, separated from my flock. waiting for my migratory partner. waiting. and waiting. and waiting.

stuck in the place between
doing and knowing
leaving and growing
loving and helping
starting and ending
cr0wl margaux dangerlove...maybe that's the name for you in the novel someone is writing about you. 090204
jane i doubt anyone is writing a novel about me except for me, and the novel is not on paper, i assure you.. 090204
what's it to you?
who go