silentbob I'm on msn. come talk to me. 010822
distorted tendencies Wish I could but everytime I'm online you're not, and everytime you're online, I'm not. 011007
nr shut down forever (apparently) in april. i didn't know that. did you know that? now i feel old.

and there's this:
raze i enjoyed the ability to change my name whenever i felt like it. i called myself some strange things. some were lines from other people's songs, and some were the outgrowth of whatever mood i was in when i named myself. i was the last mambo in eurasia. i was a dark and knifeless sky. i was a vibrating percussion instrument. and that was just the first night i was anything at all.

i was also drunk half the time. so there was that too.
what's it to you?
who go