Cicero clips of kimonos
and some without
the wearer-not the wearer of my soul
soft skin in comfort(er)
sliding silkily across my skin
igniting my blood sideways and upways
until I'm a raging inferno of passion
aching to disappear the other eyes
who hinder my hands in their goal.
bear skin is her best color -
the bed her best shirt.
for in both she is angelic, perfect and heavenly like the stars illuminating
her perfect chin.
Isaou Oh dear.
Now what am I supposed to do with my life?
Editing, you were so much fun today.
epitome of incomprehensibility Right now it's mostly adding or subtracting commas. Proofreading for good writers is no fun; there are no "sea enemas." 150807
e_o_i Editing my own work for consistency involves odd "corrections" when it's a kid's voice I'm writing in. Specificially, this kid's voice. And the specific correction is changing "mosque" to "Muslim church." 220402
e_o_i this kid's = Carol Winter's, she with the dreaded essay 220402
e_o_i Doing this with a tired mind gets me sentences like "My fingers were getting angry" and "she was born when she was forty-two." 220409
what's it to you?
who go