jane 1. drinking a glass of cold water right after you've brushed your teeth

2. late afternoon sunlight, the orangey glow that turns the sky pink, or the golden rays punching their way between the trees

3. oil slick rainbows

4. getting into a bed after just showering and shaving your legs, with freshly-laundered soft sheets. feels like being wrapped in a warm tortilla
jane 5. the smell of baking bread 161004
jane 6. a cat sleeping with its feet in the air, toes curled like a bunny 161005
macquaria 7. The smell of summer on clothes dried outside. Even better when you take out something in autumn that still retains that sunny smell. 161007
gja Timely train connections 161007
jane 9. arriving in the elevator bank at the same time as an elevator 161215
jane 10. warm skin against cool skin. like my cheek on your shoulder. 161215
jane 11. tufts from cottonwood trees drifting along spring breezes 170411
jane 12. sticking your hand out of the car window when the temperature outside is perfect and the air feels like water 191028
jane 13. a backyard full of dandelions and wild onion flowers, cherry blossoms, impending orange blossoms. the way spring graces the grasses. 230428
jane 14. getting into a bubble bath that is the perfect temperature, and smelling of lavender or eucalyptus 230428
what's it to you?
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