sage "hi there"
from test
sage the first words on blue:
(i am pretty sure)

"an anchor holding you to the edge of reality"

from time
pilgrim I take it my Friend, That You are one of the Founding Architects of these Experiments. Thank You for sharing Them with Us All. 020910
guitar_freak pilgrim... I am not a founding architect. I would love to create something as wonderful as blather, but I somehow doubt I will ever be worthy of such a distiction. I found the first blathes on red and blue because I had a lot of time on my hands... If you find the oldest date on one of the early pages and click on it a page will appear with a list of words from that day. To the left are the dates for the previous and next days. Like a journal in a way. Keep clicking on the previous day and eventually you will get to a day where there are no blathes. That is how you find birthdays of blather.

ohh... I am sage too... I created sage as an alter name because I was sick of people who know me reading my blathers and then discussing them with me or even responding online. i stopped caring about that... so no more sage
lotuseater i didnt know you were sage.... learn somethin new every day 031206
. so are you saying you are/were THE Sage who along with Dallas was responsible for creating blather?

silentbob no, she couldn't be saying that...

its just a coincidence that the alter name she started using happened to be the same one as a blather god
guitar_freak yup just a coincidence... sorry guys! I wouldn't have used it if I knew there was already a sage. oops. 031206
guitar_freak just for clarification- silentbob showed be blue back in 1999 or 2000 so there is no possible way unless I somehow got super intelligent and creative back when I was like 14-15 and learned a thing or two about computers when I was in a blackout... nah not possible. It would have been cool though.. 031206
what's it to you?
who go