crOwl at the children's ski school yesterday, i made up this little game called,
"magic carpet." we have these little plastic-covered foam mats used for naps and film-watching and so i started pulling some very excited kids around on them.

they kept shouting, "backwards!" which meant they would lay down on their stomachs and i would pull near their feet. i would run a bit and then spin them around until they fell off giggling.

i wondered why they insisted to go that way.
i think i know why.

because that way they didn't see me and they could pretend that they were actually riding the magic carpet that i told them they were upon.

i think it's even more than that.

imagination requires a certain sense of reality. a foundation of truth. we can only create from what we already know.

like faith.

we never see god but we know we're being pulled around in this life. and the more fun the ride is, well, the better life is.
guitar_freak that makes a lot of sense 040201
cooper rasha Act of sex or, sometimes, toking up. Floor rug where sex occurs. Usually found during the Hippie Era in an overly small flat or back of a van, pickup, or ground. Used because it's better for your back then the floor\wall\VW bugg. 130107
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