anomalous "...One of the most common and recognizable aspects of CFS is what is called "post-exertional malaise," or, more colloquially, the "Payback Effect." When people with CFS exert themselves, their symptoms get worse afterward. Exertion could be physical or mental exercise, doing routine tasks, such as driving, cleaning, or eating, or handling a stressful situation. The harder the exertion and the longer it lasts, the worse the symptoms will be afterward. The payback effect leads to a few typical patterns, sometimes called "The Yo_Yo_Pattern" and "The Downward_Spiral."..." 050426
anomalous i haven't done any gardening

there is so much to do

and i just hurt

i want to garden
but then
i'll find myself
too exhausted
to do anything else

i'm already tired as it is
what's it to you?
who go