ragueneau human relationships are the tragic necessity of human life, with innumerable shades of sweetness and anguish which make up the pattern of our lives, day by day. 010326
silentbob i saw them live in my tiny hometown.
betsy was there, we rocked out all night
dustin was there, he couldn't stop dancing
johnse and pudge were there, it was the most fun they ever had
red bones is the name of my first identity. it all began with a dog and baseball. sandy koufax was one of the best left-handed pitchers in history.

i grew up in the 60's. in the revolution of love.
i listened to the beatles from 45s my aunt gave me. she worked at a bank and gave me toy banks. she never married. she travels the world but lived with her baby brother her whole life.

but that's not koufax. he is living in the woods and spending week-ends in the city somewhere, anywhere. he is a social force.
what's it to you?
who go