the girl who cant stop typing .

waking up with him on me, in me, struggling, pain, unable to scream, his hand on my mouth, unable to breathe, numb and confused, paralyzed

sisters screaming words from the bible, trying to protect me, the door locked.

feeling dazed
mon uow i've never been able to write or say that before. 050324
mon uow forever since that happened
the best way to get me to leave a conversation and cry for hours or to just simply go quiet was and is to say:


even now to remember anything from that time terrifies the living daylights out of me.
just writing this freaks the hell out of me.
it's probably not wise but i don't seem to care too_much right_now.
i'm tired.
mon uow i'll probably regret writing this.
i probably already do.
what's it to you?
who go