guitar_freak woman and woman
man and man
woman and man
I don't have a problem with any combination.
At least I don't think I do.
Yet, as people confide in me their deepest secrets I feel insecure.
I feel that I don't deserve the trust that comes with their most personal secret.
I am scared to let them down.
I see
I hear
I walk
I find
I discover them
two faces
of giggling girls
knowing they've been caught
sharing their intimacy
I am aware
I smile and leave
they may keep their secrets safe
in bed together
I leave
I am exiled
with a secret deep inside of me
I know the truth
I see their eyes and their fear
I support
I care
I do what I can
I just have to keep my mouth shut
When the time is right they will disclose their love to others who care and support
Until that day I am alone
With my mouth closed tightly
what's it to you?
who go