amy it's better than drugs, i tell you. i swear i must've spent many years in a convent thinking up something better than drugs. 031005
silentbob pleasure seeker 031006
jane cyrenaic & epicurean 031007
misstree selective sensates who stop before seeking the full register 031123
birdmad of course, now that i'm mostly sober i haven't the confidence to avoid feeling more like a monk anymore

the spirit is quite willing, but the flesh itself has become rather timid and not terribly eye-catching
misstree there is much more to hedonism and worship of sensation than sex. it is found in every moment, every fabric's caress, every stubbed toe, every crafted meal and every frozen wind. 031123
bird true enough, but between being jaded and ostensibly solitary, most of the sensations i know anymore are dull aches or things that barely register 031123
birdmad It's like Golden Earring said in the song "Twilight Zone"

"Where do i go now that i've gone too far?"
misstree touche'. the curse after the beauty. 031125
hsg u kould always go inward! 061130
birdmad look inside?

o, no

that door is marked here_be_mosters
bird of the self correcting variety erm... here_be_monsters 061130
what's it to you?
who go