epitome of incomprehensibility Mom had taken me to the pediatrician to see about allergy tests, I think. The doctor had a few routine questions that I forget, but I was startled when she asked me, "What colour is your mucus?"

I was ten. This offended my dignity. I needed to be re-prompted to respond.

The reason for the lovely inquiry? It's a gross-as-in-rough diagnostic tool: snot from colds tends to be yellower than allergy snot. Perhaps this extends to other infections, though I didn't notice this with COVID (wasn't that stuffed up, luckily).


This time, it was one clue out of four, if you count a sore forehead, notable throat woes, and aching Eustachian tubes as separate symptoms. I woke up at 3:30 AM and thought, "Okay, this has to be a cold."

Yesterday I'd thought it was the dust from the books in the basement that was bothering my throat. I was helping people sort through them because there's a community yard sale on Saturday. The books shouldn't have been in the basement in the first place - the damp and dusty conditions damage the pages. A few I had to recycle.

Anyway, my brother had lost sleep the night before due to a stuffy nose, which he figured was from allergies. But no, bro. You have bequeathed me a Colding, as they say in Germish: eine Erkältung.

Pah, I shouldn't complain, it's not like I missed a big concert (as in Tuesday's "covid19"). Neither am I very sick, and I should be fine to travel to Ontario next week. I'm just not sure of doing anything Saturday, whether yard sale or party.
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