past there was a well dressed man standing on a busy street corner around noon today. he had an open suit case at his feet and some books in his hands. he stood passively, smiling calmly, not trying to force his books on anyone. as i came closer i saw that they were copies of the bhagavad_gita.

i didn't take one (i have a copy, though i haven't read it for years and the only quotation i ever remember off hand is: "I am time grown old..." though the themes and general story stay with me).

a few blocks later, sitting on the stone steps of an old bank building was a sad looking young woman, a worn back pack at her feet, and the gita in her hands.
past another day, another street, another man handing out gitas on another corner.

three blocks away a tiny group gathered with a megaphone reading hell and brimstone from revelation, trying to intimidate women from entering an abortion clinic. the constrast was there to be made.
what's it to you?
who go