misstree why do i squander my words,
casting them into an ocean
to be lost, disregarded,
trampled upon and sullied
next to tripe that took only the thought
to fly to fingers, no
dramatic pauses where the mind quests, no
struggling to find a word worthy
of carrying a concept.
i throw them like wreaths for the dead
in a place where i will
never see them again,
that they can be swept out
and away and will bring past the horizon
all of the things that are useless,
the little pains and little pasts.

it twists like a fist, like a
tough meal, that i cannot often
bring myself to scratch deep into the clay,
that i more often find myself
sobbing out slick little trifles than
building with pride an edifice that
can withstand my own bellowing, that can
take root in dusty soil and maintain.
it twists like guilt that
i pour out what i can because
it is easier than
going without,
and i cannot even sob for
the worlds i have killed with
cheap words.
flux we the dead may pull meaning from anywhere.
a hegemony of homogeny.
i've thrown my worlds away here for years, but even now, i find a few who carry the torch afresh.
what's it to you?
who go