frAnk what do you think are the changes humanity will continue to go through? 010917
distorted tendencies A big one, with me anyway, is definately Evolution. We will continue to physically and mentally evolve, as well as emotionally. We will hopefully become more intelligent as well as more paranoid, (i.e. Not letting our guard down, or getting "soft" in other words.)Sexuality will become more of a friendship thing, although it's already halfway there. Just casual sex to frankly "Get to know each other." So you may ask, If sex won't be special, what will? Sex will always stay special, it will merely evolve into something bigger and better. It will no longer stay some forbidden thing, or taboo. Fashion will change as well. So will our currency and the way the planet is. We may be living in "Waterworld" in the next thousand years. Things will be more hi-tech, because technology will change. These things are all a part of humanity, or course. We will continue to invent and thrive on history in order not to repeat the same mistakes. Amongst other things and evolution as well.


We will possibly be wiped out before we know it. Post-apocalypse, maybe. There is also a factor of devolution. Ever read H.P. Lovecraft? That shit is scary.

There's probably more, Frank, I'll have to think of it later.
sphinxradio the evolution of thought...

that's all i can say. i don't have the words to predict the future.
what's it to you?
who go