notme last night
when you looked into me
i saw something there in your eyes
.nom it's the same look i saw when we met
the same look when you sat at the table
the same look when i saw you from the window
i wondered how long you'd been standing there
how many years
nom august 24th 2005
on the street
in your car
at the theatre

i was afraid to say anything

sometimes i think you know

sometimes i think i do
nr something i just wrote on blather reminded me of something else. in grade 12, i was spending a lot of time with someone, let's nickname him Friday, because we all went to his house on Fridays. we were friends for years, but then we kind of starting to like each other, maybe. i remember overhearing a couple of our friends (a couple) talking when we were on a field trip, and she (who i always thought was kind of negative and judgmental) was like "Friday likes no reason? why does he like no reason?" and to his credit, he looked like he thought that was a weird question and shrugged like "how should i know?".

i'm still friends, at least on social media, with him, but haven't talked to her in a long time.
what's it to you?
who go