stupidpunkgirl oh hey...boy...
i think i knew it all along
that i would fall for you
and i kept it hidden
even though we went on a pic-nic
and we sit so close on the couch
but i knew from the beginning it wouldn't work out
because that girl
that's "in the scene"
and is really cool
wants you.
and you're perfect together
i can admit
but she lives across the country
and i'm the one that comes and visits you at the record store
and we go to parks
i just don't know what to do when you move...i'm going to miss you so much
kitchen bird it was heavy and thick as he sank the fork into it and cut a piece away, raising it to her mouth

she could not see what she was tasting through the black strip of cloth over her eyes

she let it dissolve slightly on her tongue, discerning the hint of amaretto amidst the chocolate

stupidpunkigirl now that were "together" i'm not sure it will last. i don't want to feel as if you're using me. you're different now, and i suppose i am too. why can't it just be like it was before? i still really like you, but you yourself said you don't make a good boyfriend.... 020129
what's it to you?
who go