raze what you're doing. what i'm doing. what we've done. what we continue to do.

blathing to hear yourself blathe.
therapeutic blathing.
blathing with anger.
blathing in jest.
blathing to kill time.
blathing as a form of distraction.
blathing out of habit.
blathing for the very first time.
blathing with abandon.
blathing with restraint.
blathing in public.
blathing behind closed doors.
blathing while laughing.
blathing through tears.
blathing together.
blathing alone.

who blathes?
you blathe.
i blathe.
we all_fall_down.
Risen I've got this problem with blathing...

It's like... It's all supposed to be anonymous here, but if you know someone will read your every word, where can you write? Is it not then really you addressing them, rather than expressing your thoughts?

The unseen audience. The unheard words.
past some times the unacknowledged reader gives the writing its power. 130318
leni yes

sometimes the reader creates half the story
what's it to you?
who go