PeeT it's the name we gave her when she was in middle school. a play on bethany. now she is beth the sous chef.

she loves wild roses and collects them sprawling from massive plants on embankments near the woods. then she takes the petals and tight rosebuds and makes them into a magical sugar syrup.

i brought her black gold compost for her small vegetable garden. we are building a stone wall on her hillside. it leads to the city's bike trail so there is a constant stream of people going by like character's in a peter spier book.

beth found a romeo and juliet vinyl record of the ballet soundtrack. i took her there on valentine's day when she was 16.

firstborn. more like me than i want to perceive. god surround her with road warriors.
PeeT she took honeysuckle flowers from her backyard and made gin. she put it in my mouth with a dropper like a mother bird feeding its baby. 120601
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