Pilgrim Life for Me has been going on for 21855 days as an independent breathing organism. Add another 260 for gestation and I get 22115. Mostly All good. Punctuated by various miseries placed in My Pathway for Contrast. Life has been just "One damn thing after another." I have been the scrawny schoolboy, the under-achieving boy scout, the psychedelic explorer, hitch-hiking vagabond, Husband, Widower, Mourner, Husband again. I have been given Religion, shed Religion, Learned Tolerance and Try to adhere to it. Seeking Truth and Finding the Veils of Preception. Trying to Live in the Now but being Locked into the Then due to the slow reaction time of My Sensory Processing. This Life is Killing Me, I Love It. I have Few Regrets. It's been an Interesting Show. Sometimes slow and Tedious but ever Facinating. 120918
PeeT psychedelic explorer? a juxtaposition begging for definition i say! 120919
Pilgrim No Keasey or MaKenna but I have used Peyote Mushrooms LSD and cannabis like most of my generation and allowed them to strip away the veil that had been laid on Me since Childhood. I Hardly ever touch these things now, my younger wife is far less adventurous in this regard and the Catalytic Process made me over long ago. Although I would like to try DMT before I die. 120920
Pilgrim P.S. It took me 3 rewrites on this cell phone for my last post. Each one Less elegant than the last. DAMN CAPCHA 120920
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