epitome of incomprehensibility This isn't all mine. I transcribed it from a course I did in 2012, Surrealism, where we played a game that surrealists call "Exquisite Corpse" and other people call "continue the story." (Other people are boring, including myself.) The prof dimmed the lights and shouted at us every few seconds to switch sheets... so it was at once exciting and unnerving... though the results, when read, were mostly snort-inducing rather than surrealistically transcendent. Anyway, I like this one:

"Near the top of the skull of this fabulous creature, we found a round boisterous scar that is screaming flowers and the exciting glimpse of apples and oranges. At the end of the day, the ship sailed towards Antarctica, until a whale appeared with no eyes. It started to drip me from my mind is symbolism to the sip is my wine was like good old fashioned root beer. Do not fight the process with a knife. Or yell. Or eat chocolate, because you get to go to Marineland and watch the slave whales perform. I wanted to boast."

(I believe my contributions were "apples and oranges" and "with a knife." I also remember being hungry.)
e_o_i I was wondering what this was. Anyway, I need to get some historical accuracy into this here joint: it should be 2011, not 2012. 140522
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