nr this might be THE funniest thing i've ever heard. i don't listen to it in public unless i'm not worried about uncontrollably grinning or laughing.

i play it on my phone and bring it around with me as i walk around my apartment, like i'm hanging out with my friends jamie, james, and alice.
nr it's nsfw, obviously, so i'm also a bit careful about playing it in my car with the windows open. 211020
oof as in, NOT playing it then. 211020
tender_square wasn't there some kind of hbo special they did where they read some of his work aloud? i remember watching this years ago and it was hysterical. i didn't realize there was still a podcast being made. 211020
nr ooh, yes! i've never seen the special. i'm excited.

and yes, it's still going strong. it got me through a lot of the pandemic.
what's it to you?
who go