epitome of incomprehensibility
Dental office gets free Listerine samples, becomes Listerine pusher. Okay, sure, if I want to buy more mouthwash, Listerine is rather cheap, but wouldn't plain baking soda do the trick for cheaper? Mix it with water, swish it around, spit. It's mildly alkaline and apparently good for teeth. I still have some fancy-pants organic mouthwash left. It contains xylitol, menthol, good 'ol baking soda, but no fluoride. (What have these naturey hippie stores got against fluoride anyway? It's natural, ain't it? I mean, it's not like fluoride causes premature ejaculation in men and irrelevant references to Dr. Strangelove in women, right?) Moral: do not suck dick of imaginary film characters, even metaphorically - it is very acidic and bad for teeth due to lack of science. Also, ineluctable modality of the visible means never saying you're sorry. Viewer discretion is revised. Never repeat yourself the same way twice.