epitome of incomprehensibility At the bottom of the stairs, my glasses crash to the floor and a girl with a backpack picks them up, even though I don't want her to.

It takes half of forever to find the zipper on my backpack and get my card out. I worry that the person in the booth will think I'm a troublemaker or helpless. A helpless troublemaker.

The floor pattern of Lionel-Groulx station: as if the petals from Ezra Pound's black bough fell down as round tiles. Were preserved, cartoonified. Shades of yellow, orange, and red.

On the way back from Concordia, I decide to walk to Lionel-Groulx instead of crawling back underground.

The wind is colder than the sun is reassuring. I quit halfway.

Atwater station. "Salaam alaikum, madame," says the woman holding out a cup for coins. Today I'm not giving back; today I'm retreating into my tiredness.
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