raze tang
like the astronauts drank
and sweat
from the upper lip

tapioca pudding
she says
it's like eating cold snot
and though i've never had cause
to refrigerate my mucus
or anyone's
and eat it with a spoon
i can't get the image
out of my head

here are the two
best kinds of water
in the world:

from the school fountain
not because it's cold
(it isn't)
but because it's life
filling me up
and trickling down my chin

and from the kitchen sink
straight from the tap
the purest thing in the house
filthy as it is
always in a tall green plastic cup
covered in scales
not quite circles
not squares
something other
ice cubes crackling
the scent the only thing
to give me pause
as i feed this bit of hydrosphere
its own kin

salted skin
from the soft underbelly
of the thumb
and swallowed

and sour keys
inside every lock they touch
no pointed teeth on their blades
to catch on the pins
and lead them to the shear line
what's it to you?
who go