silentbob i pretend we're kissing
we're lying out under the stars
or you come to me in the morning when i'm still half awake. You lie down next to me in my single bed and i wrap my arms around your stomach
or i see you in a green dress
without your laughter i have nothing
mikey i see silent bob
i see twiggie and unhinged
i see aimee and nocturnal and i see arinna and dB
i see chiidi......
spooky fish i'm the sock puppet cat from the neighborhood of pretend 011009
bijou social distortion 020110
chanaka my whole world, accompanied by a violin quartet 020110
Lime Rider you're dancing now beside me. I like closing my eyes while dancing.

best moments arrive when closing my eyes.

am I tired or... do I want to be blind?
the swinger of birchs alice and wonderland, the caterpiller smoking out of the bong always gets to me. he looks like he's tripping. 030107
what's it to you?
who go