guitar_freak sorry all i hate chat everything, but this MUST be said.

I read what you wrote under "wonder" and it scared the hell out of me.
We do not repeat DO NOT need any more traffic in red blather. It will become overpopulated and overran by ignorant A/S/L type people. Keep this hidden and secret otherwise it will take on the same characteristics of blue. If you like that sort of thing blather on blue and invite others there. This is not blue and feeling overcrowded isn't a great idea. Please consider others' wishes before you attempt to destroy something so wonderful as red
Toxic_Kisses Understood babe, I kind of had second thoughts about it any how, even though I miss the traffic of blue (I'm trying to take a break from their) the fact of the matter is you just don't know what kind of ppl would be coming here, don't worry I won't be advertising this place ^.^ 011219
guitar_freak I appreciate it. Blather is a place where I feel at home. Not just lost in yet another maze. Blue wasn't always so crowded.. 011219
yesh Eh, red's been mentioned other times too.

It is getting more overrun, but on blather you can't take anything back.

Chin up.
what's it to you?
who go