jane love,
raze seventeen years old. and blue will turn fucking TWENTY in august. it's insane to even think about.

talk about staying power.
j feels like i'm a different person three times over since i began. red and blue are still such beautiful sanctuaries. 180125
.flowerock. :) 180125
epitome of incomprehensibility Whoa whoa whoa, how did I miss this?

Next year it will be able to vote

and drink
in Quebec
raze i missed it by about a week.

you're twenty years old now.

i was here just a little over a month after you were born. i was seventeen. you're older now than i was when i found you and your big blue mama.

time is insane.
raze i can't believe i keep missing it. i used to be pretty good about remembering these things.

happy belated twenty-second birthday, red.
raze this time i remembered.

red_blather went live on this day in 2001. next year it'll be a quarter of a century old.

still_awake. still_alive. we_are_all_connected.
e_o_i Happy Birthday, red blather! 🎂 250124
what's it to you?
who go