endless desire
'ello sir, how are you? mine name is ellyn you know me well and now you won't leave me alone. i never did anything to you. you're really not being very fair, sir. i try, you know, to make you go away. i thought i was fine on my own, but it seems they thought a little bit of medicine might send you back to where you came from. but you're really not being very fair. so i took their medicine, and you still won't go away. so i took more and you still won't go. and so they changed and changed and added. and effexor doesn't do shit, (excuse my language, sir) to tell you the truth, and i don't even know what the hell anafranil is. (excuse me again) but the point is, mr depression, i asked you very kindly. but now, sir, im wasting away. nothing is right anymore and well, you're to blame. it seems you messed with my head, it seems you took advantage of me. mr depression, i'll ask you once more: please leave me. im sorry, sir, it's just that i don't understand what i ever did at all. never, ellyn
what's it to you?