epitome of incomprehensibility The daddest of dad jokes was told by my dad in the recent past. Near fall, I'd just discovered I had to take a class that wasn't in the CMLL department.

To make this classy_choice, I was weirdly thorough at searching electives. Sociology I thought would be an option, but the reason I mentioned a class called Social Problems wasn't because I thought of taking it. I was just astonished by the time it was scheduled:

7:15-8:30 A.M.


It seemed almost delightful, a flouting of the norms to start so early. The earliest most classes at Concordia begin is 8:45. Maybe it was for people who worked a 9-5 shift, like evening classes could be.

Anyway, I told my parents about this at supper. Social Problems indeed!

Dad shook his head. "It's probably too woke," with a straight face.

"Too 'woke'?" I thought he was just teasing me by using slang I didn't like.

"Well, you'd have to be, to get up that early" was his rejoinder.
e_o_i Now I'm the guilty one, and I'm not even a dad: "Happy Canadian 4th of July," I wrote. 240701
e_o_i "Currant" affairs. 250108
raze my dad doesn't tell jokes often, but when he does they always make me laugh.

they tend to go something like this.

him: "what did the newspaper say to the onion?"

me: "what?"

him: "go fuck yourself."
what's it to you?
who go