nocturnal hate that stuff. share your cludge experiences. 010406
Denzel Washington in sexy lingerie I can speak from experience here. You see, I was once a cocky little shit-faced kid, pokin' my dickie around in ashtrays that weren't meant for me. I felt the power of cludge reach down its stinky hand, and I was a goddam pornstar! Hot shit! What is cludge anyway? My main man and sometime pokin' poll says:
"Cludge is similar to sludge, in that it is composed of a disgustingly thick consistency bordering on the obscene. However, cludge is sludge of the mental persuasion. It blocks thoughts when they are needed most. Hence, some of us become cludge-pods at one time or another."
Praise the motherfuckin' lord of cludge!
nocturnal recently discovered it's contagious. beware of close contact with those afflicted. 010407
nocturnal it's coming. I've now read this page of notes at least five times. and I still couldn't tell you a single thing from it. 010408
johnny west cludge-free I kick you in the testicles, cludge. For the next three days, you cannot touch me. Dieeeeeee!!! Dieeeeee!!! 010413
The Cludge Time's up, hairy. Hope you enjoyed your brief respite. I claim your brain once more. It's all mine!!! 010417
nocturnal I hate it
I hate it
I hate it

it's taken over yet again.
why must it haunt me so?!
silentbob i dont know what cludge is but it sounds like a vicious case of camel toe 011031
nocturnal it occurs a little higher up in the anatomy and happens to males and females alike. it's basically lack of concentration or just blockage of any sort of useful thinking abilities. 011031
what's it to you?
who go