Lovers Lament Is all I ever feel I am. Going through days that are carbon copies of the ones that came before. I have a beautiful man, but I want my life to have meaning. I don't want to die having contributed nothing.

But I will....eventually my spark will fade and no one will even remember the light that pricked the sky in that place was a person.
raze you are not a blank page. you are many pages. you are an ambitious, multifaceted, sprawling novel in the process of being written. there are blank pages, to be sure, but they'll all be filled in time. and what's already there won't be forgotten by anyone who reads it. we'll remember. 130321
no reason i feel you, Lovers Lament. it's hard to feel like your life lacks meaning, but perhaps it's possible to create meaning and even leave some behind. it's a constant struggle for me too. 130322
what's it to you?
who go