raze all of these albums have been remastered. stripped of their dynamic range. given garish new sonic signatures. the clear trays that sit inside the cd jewel cases give it away. so much orange and blue. so many front-facing death stares. and then there's you. a song about lovelorn litigators lives in your head. not forever. just for now. you wheel a piano into the classroom and let your fingers form the chords you know_by_heart. you're older now than you've ever been. the hammers graze the strings so lightly you almost can't be heard. a man walks in and fills the space beneath your weaker wing with his fist. he thinks you might keel over and die right_here. you feel like you could. but it would be rude of you to croak in front of a captive audience, however small. so you soldier on. 241230
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