original or extra morose to believe
to want
lulie what's wrong with being wrong. 020317
pilgrim Sometimes those on the Right,
Turn out to be Dead Wrong.
lulie Right is Wrong. 020318
pilgrim You have the Right to be Wrong.
lulie Yea, especially when it's not so easy to know what is right and wrong at times. 020520
TerraCotta what's wrong?

what's right?
autumn I feel so wrong. In all the ways someone can. 041016
cocoon and they'll tell you what you're doing is wrong 041016
cocoon I am waiting for something to go wrong
I am waiting for familiar results

~Death Cab for Cutie
tender_square he looked at her with soft eyes of concern over dinner. "is something wrong?"

"no, why?"

"i dunno. you're just quiet i guess."

was she not allowed to be silent now and then? it always unnerved him when she was more mute than he was, as though extroverts did not get tired of speaking. he proceeded to ask her the question four more times in the course of two hours. ("have i done something to upset you?" "no, not at all.") was it the expression on her face? was it the energy, or lack thereof, that she gave off? she felt fine, but the persistent asking was aggravating her, and it took everything she had not to lash out in frustration.

on her phone she googled "why do i get angry when repeatedly asked 'what's wrong'?" to see if she was the only one with such petty problems. on a reddit thread, she found a poster who wrote that they interpreted that question as being more of a reflection of the inner state of person asking rather than the person being asked.

upon learning this, she didn't have the heart to interrupt his bowl game watching and ask if anything was the matter with him.
what's it to you?
who go