jennifer when the list won't move
and conversations tire
therein lies your creative peak
misstree "the long walk"...
constantly in need of motion, feet moving but going nowhere, wanting to stop, to figure out a direction but just moving... always moving...
star* i used to sleep as much as i could
but ever since i realized
what was going on between you two
i haven't been able to sit still
much less sleep
i've started smoking to calm my nerves
and all i want to do
is sit on my roof alone
and forget i ever knew you
and forget that you and him are together

i want to disappear
unhinged you need to listen to some jeff_buckley and then tell me you want to nail me. i wouldn't let you cheat on her with me. it's just too bad. 010412
nocturnal for being the lazy ass that I am, it's surprising how restless I am all the time. 011104
chanaka fingers
would a little touch hurt?
cocoon I am 051011
what's it to you?
who go