Q not 011106
argo you're not so bad afterall 011118
sarpedon This word that disobeys any and all logic. Always true, but never revealing any useful information to the recipient.

After all,
Everything is true or is false.
Something is or it isn't
"To be or not to be" is the question
Maybe is not an acceptable answer.

Or maybe it sometimes is?
misstree maybe is every direction
all at once
a cat does a jig in a box
and declares itself free.
silentbob i'm getting paid to write this blathe
maybe i should be working.
skyburst maybe she had never been sad?
maybe she had never been happy?
maybe she had never been
somenom maybe is a big word
a big stupid word
nom "maybe i don't need a place" 061009
nom maybe i'm crazy 061219
nom maybe if this
maybe if that
raze maybe i'm a moth
that's grown too tired
to spread its wings.

maybe i'm a bat
pollinating dusty pictures
in your attic.

maybe i'm a rabbit
with a blind_spot
at the bridge of my nose.

and leave you
to trim the char
from the cotton braid
that carries the flame
of all_my_love.
nr i don't want this
but maybe
i don't want to be without this
or that
or anything
again and again
releaseofwarmth At this point I have to wonder whether these blather will go through or not 240306
what's it to you?
who go